Custom Tables

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No incoming shipments by carrier will be accepted at this time. All work is to be personally delivered to us at our shop. (A 24-hour notice is required for all pick-ups and deliveries.) However, we do offer pick-up services to our preferred processors. Please call us for a listing.

mounted alligator heads

Our alligator heads are mounted with the mouth open and we use the finest slit pupil glass eyes. We do not freeze dry them!!! All meat and grease is removed before the curing process. They come with a realistic tongue molded in and felt on the inside.

Heads are priced by the inch measured from the base of the skull to the tip of the nose.

Prices are as follows:
Per Ft. Approx. Inches Total Price
up to 6' 11" $300.00
7'-8' 12"-14" $350.00
9' 15" $450.00
9'6" 16" $500.00
10' 17" $550.00
10'6" 18" $600.00
11' 19" $650.00
11.6' 20" $700.00
12' 21" $750.00
12'6" & up 22"+ $800.00

*We are no longer putting harpoons/lands back in heads.

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alligator skulls

All skulls are cleaned, whitened, and strengthened. Teeth and loose joints are epoxied so they won't fall apart. Skull alone is the same price as an alligator head mount.

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action life size alligator

Our full, 3/4, and 1/2 body mount alligators. Alligators are second to none. We completely tan, cure, oil and sanitize all mounts before finishing coats are applied. We pose them in a natural action position with mouth open and detailed tongue molded in. The finished mount is beautiful and durable. Let me assure you that no short cuts such as freeze drying are used in our shop.

Prices are as follows:
4'0" to 6'0" $200.00 per foot 9'1" to 10'0" $500.00 per foot
6'1" to 7'0" $300.00 per foot 10'1" to 11'0" $600.00 per foot
7'1" to 8'0" $350.00 per foot 11'1" to 12'0" $800.00 per foot
8'1" to 9'0" $400.00 per foot 12'1" to 13'0" $1000.00 per foot
Over 13'0", call for quote

Above mounts can be done in our standard natural action pose or mounted as if swimming "wall mounts", standing up or incorporated into a habitat scene.

* For Life Size Mounts, we offer 20 standard poses to choose from. Custom mounts or mounts on habitats will incur an upcharge in price. For these orders, customers will have to call for a quote.

Note: We can ship all mounts anywhere in the U.S.

Alligator pictured above mounted standard Action Life size Pose

This 82 year old alligator is the oldest documented alligator in existence. Mounted by John Walker Taxidermy in 1998.

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trophy european rug mount

Mounts lay flat with heads and feet attached. The heads with mouth open comes with a lifelike tongue molded in and slit pupil glass eyes. These are of the same quality as our whole mount alligators. When finished, they can be put on a wall or placed on the floor.

Note: These should be skinned the same as whole mount alligators with the feet and head left on.

7 foot European Rug Mount

Prices are as follows:
4'0" to 6'0" $120.00 per foot 9'1" to 10'0" $250.00 per foot
6'1" to 7'0" $130.00 per foot 10'1" to 11'0" $300.00 per foot
7'1" to 8'0" $160.00 per foot 11'1" to 12'0" $350.00 per foot
8'1" to 9'0" $180.00 per foot 12'1" to 13'0" $400.00 per foot
Over 13'0", call for quote
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NATURAL TAN - With this method the natural scales are left on the hide, thus displaying the natural beauty and markings of the alligator. Comes in gloss finish - Price Per Foot (Length) $40.00

HORN-BACK - 1/2 the price of a rug of the same size.

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Lamp & Pencil Holder

Leather Goods

Prices are as follows:
Items With leather provided Straight from store
Wallets (Mens / Womens) $80.00 / $175.00 $125.00 / $350.00
Checkbooks $70.00 $120.00
Belts $110.00 $150.00
Pistol case $250.00
Lighter holder $20.00

Inventory (for sale) Hides (AA+A) - $65.00/ft

Feet Items

Backscratchers & feet w/o plaques (paperweights):
7' - 9' BF - $100.00 FF - $50.00
10' BF - $150.00 FF - $75.00
11' & up BF - $270.00 FF - $135.00
Foot lamps $450.00
Necklaces $30.00
Toe Keychains
Under 11' W/leather strap $6.00
W/O leather strap $5.00
Over 11' $10.00
Ash trays, Candle holders, Gun racks, Cigar holders, Candy dishes, & Pencil holders:

(Price of plaque included in price)

7' - 9' BF - $100.00 FF - $50.00
10' BF - $150.00 FF - $75.00
11' & up BF - $270.00 FF - $135.00
Plaques Small - $200.00 Large - $300.00

Misc Items

Backstraps Up to 10'11 - $50.00 11'0 & up - $75.00
Scoots See John
* Above prices for gators up to 11'0"
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alligator skulls

Gator Head with Neck - Mounted with jowls and feet for gun or bows - on solid wood plaque. (pictured to right)

Price on Gator head & neck
10' & under - 2x the head price
Over 10' - 3x the head price
Add Plaque - $300.00
Add each Foot (Up to 10') - $120.00
                      (10'1" & Up) - $175.00

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custom mounts
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    Instructions For Shipping Orders

  1. Do not ship an item until you have received an authorization # from John Walker Taxidermy. Please call 352-669-6446
  2. Put specimen in double plastic bag and tie.
  3. Make sure it is really frozen.
  4. In a separate Ziploc baggy put info on a piece of paper with cities tag #'s.
  5. Cities tag's must be attached to all hides & Trophy Rugs or Mounts.
  6. Cities Tag #'s must accompany all orders on heads & feet.
  7. Put all of this in a cooler or strong cardboard box.
  8. If in the state of FL ship U.P.S. ground. If out-of-state ship next day U.P.S
  9. The use of salt is not necessary and adds to the weight.
  10. Try to ship late in the day.
  11. Call us to confirm that the order was sent. That way we can meet with the U.P.S. driver early.
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